Monday 7 May 2012

Face It Explore It Accept It Respond!

I like a good Whinge Up as much as the next Person if not slightly more but find it hard at the moment to fault my Courage in pursuing Growth which to me is a Spiritual thing and Essential under the circumstances I found myself Living under. I have been Flippant in the way I write about leaving My Job and have very much understated the amount of Fear involved in giving up the Security of the Routine but more importantly the regular Money involved. Let’s face it the Fears are Inescapable but how I Absorb them is proving exciting for example on Wednesday I lost £30 out of my pocket which I had just taken out of an ATM to get a gift for my niece Orla’s Wedding I returned to the ATM and took out £30 again as the Gesture was important and I still bought the Gift. Historically this amounts to strange behaviour for me as I know that in the Past I would have made an issue about my lack of Funds and the Young Lady would have had to do without. If anything the loss of the Money served to Focus me on the facts that at the moment I’ve received no Benefits of any Description and therefore am very short of Money and am Amassing Arrears. So forgoing the Customary Whinge I chased up the JSA for a Progress Report and took action to ease the Fears by ensuring my part is done and got a Figure of how much I actually owe [it was less than I thought]. What I’m saying I guess is that all is well despite the Fears and I’m beginning to feel Healthier and Happier about My Life.... So bring it on!
Consider this if it helps Change Happens if you let it and lack of Money and Security is hard to deal with but is outweighed by my greatest Fear that of still being where I was in a Years time!

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