Tuesday 6 March 2012

jorge ben - sacundin ben samba [128]

Back in my previous life as a Samba Dancer/Drunk this was the Soundtrack to my antics. Anyway back at reality i like these songs as they are obviously songs of Protest  and as they say that's right up my alley even if i don't know the words!

  1. "Anjo Azul"
  2. "Nena Nana"
  3. "Vamos Embora "Uau"
  4. "Capoeira"
  5. "Gimbo"
  6. "Carnaval Triste"
  7. "A Princesa e o Plebeu"
  8. "Menina do Vestido Coral"
  9. "Pula Baú"
  10. "Jeitão de Preto Velho"
  11. "Espero por Você"
  12. "Não Desanima João"

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I don't know where you got the information that these are "protest songs" as they clearly are not! They are good songs, most opf them telling stories about african immigration to Brazil, but Jorge Ben (or Benjor as he now wants to be called)is famous as a storytelling and worshipper of Rio de Janeiro. Great songs indeed (and am happy to see that you appreciate them). You have a great blog and your musical preferences are inclredibly similar to mine. COngratulations for a well done job!
