Thursday 8 March 2012

Leisure Industries!

My next door neighbours are Muslim and appear to go to bed around 6.30pm and get up around 5 a.m and begin singing and chanting. It doesn’t overly bother me but I was thinking if I was still Drinking/Using we would be living in perfect harmony as I usually got up in the early evening and the chanting and singing would be in full swing around dawn. Thankfully those days are over for me and I pitched up last night and did my chair at NA carrying the message as best I could. As usual my insightful, heartfelt and deeply spiritual words only inspired a man a week into his incarceration in the mental hospital where the meeting was held to share for about 15 minutes about Christ knows what with the punch line “that if life gives you lemons you’d best make lemonade”. Left a sour taste in my mouth I can tell you, but let’s do the same again tomorrow God willing!

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