For the third month in a row i have been unable to get any money out of the cash points for no reason that the thieving whores can give me. When i go to the bank tomorrow filled with righteous indignation i will be met with that face you know the one and that attitude [no need to shout sir and all that auld malarkey]. F*****'s want to sort it out as the additional stress added to my work [surely you mean lack of work] stress may pitch me over the edge and who knows lawsuits might follow. Other than that i'm in advanced planning to secure another 4 week sick note to tide me over til mid February. I'm going to pitch myself as feeling very vulnerable and tell old doc that i've been necking Codeine tablets at a suicidal rate [very popular at the moment apparently]. If that doesn't work i have a further fall back position but its to low to even mention just now. Spoke to one of the suits at work earlier they where full of concern for my well being [probably wishing me dead or was that what i was thinkin' about them?] anyway i'm in the clear for the moment full pay guaranteed!
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