Friday 13 January 2012

Acceptance Is The Price Of Freedom

I learned this vital information like most things in my life [the hard way] sort of in reverse. As in finally gaining enlightenment that inability to accept meant that what ever was going on in my life an unhealthy relationship or shit job would continue without me seeming to having any ability to change the situation. So in my experience the price of acceptance has usually been very high. Say it takes you ten years to extricate yourself from an unhealthy relationship, thats a hefty price. Fortunately once acceptance has been achieved action follows immediately and you can look back in bewilderment at the mess. This gained knowledge becomes priceless if remembered [some chance of that happening]. I'm relating this crap as it really is curtains for my job as after 3 years of underachieving i finally got round this morning to job hunting!

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