Monday 23 January 2012

It Puts The Lotion In The Basket!

One thing i have never understood about Serial Killers is how uptight they get at the suggestion that they have been eating their victims. They don't seem to mind owning up to biting, inserting, strangling or cutting but any mention of eating and they become strangely silent. Whats the point of this insight i hear you ask and to be honest I'm not sure myself other than to say that i survived an attack by a serial killer [killers] in 1979 and as far as i am aware at least 29 others were not so lucky during this series of horrific attacks [plenty of cutting and strangling not sure about the other elements].I really would have liked an explanation to what it was all about but both killers are now dead and permanently silent. Now you know one of my claims to fame an event which at the time made me feel that I was living a charmed life just by my very survival without any physical injury. Now I see the long shadow that was cast that day and remain as baffled by the event as ever and by the simple good fortune that a slight unconscious movement by myself [a matter of inches] was the difference between death and what we have now. A guy who's workshy, selfish, cynical, hurt, depressed but also honest, empathetic, loyal, humorous and now a blogger. Guess I would love to blame a lot of stuff on a couple of wankers who blighted lives but doubt very much that the ex wife would buy it and neither do I really as all I learned that day is always face who ever you are talking to at least until they are out of sight, never turn away as that's their cue to attack and for f**ks sake don't take yourself so seriously!

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