I was always a big fan of Johnny Thunders from the day the first New York Dolls album sent a current through me. I know he was a troubled soul but the lack of interest in his death [murder] in 1991 defies belief. The Americans can pursue old "Bin Lid" from cave to cave and country to country for a decade but couldn't give a damn about who killed one of their citizens. Just another Junkie i suppose but lets remember that he wrote "You Can't Put Your Arms Around a Memory"
1. One Track Mind
2. I Wanna Be Loved
3. Pirate Love
4. Let Go
5. Do You Love Me?
6. Can't Keep My Eyes Off You
7. Get Off The Phone
8. All By Myself
9. Chinese Rocks
10. Baby Talk
11. Going Steady
12. It's Not Enough
13. I Love You
14. Born To Lose
http://www.wupload.com/file/147099061/johnny thunders - LAMF revisited_[littledarkblogger.blogspot.com].rar
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