Was talking to my boss at work regarding my future i have no idea who was the most deceitful and smarmy but it was a close call. Anyway they are keen to try and off load me through their attendance policies and i will have to go along with whatever they suggest which is likely to include a visit to their Doctor for assessment as to my fitness to carry out my duties. I haven't met him but apparently he is a reasonable and fair man by the name of Mr Mengele, Joe to his friends. No worries to a seasoned veteran like me as i will be laying out my case as simply as possible namely that the current state of my health has been brought about by their failure to support me in my role which i have acknowledged in writing from their HR dept. It is not going to be as easy to shift me as the Suits might hope as i'm a tough auld bollox and enjoy a good tussle. Thats some of the realities of today running paralell with this is my recovery which means loads of AA & NA meetings, a pray up, meditation and service and letting go of the resentments relating to the above. This part of my life is in the assendancy and i may well return to work in the near [not to near i hope] future and knuckle down to the Job!
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