Had to get out Early today as I was Settling into a Comfortable Mode in front of the TV, just watching the Olympics. Managed to Snap out of it and have gone on a long Cross Country Trek from Barmet to Hendon Via Dollis Brook Open Space. It’s a Lovely Stretch of Green Belt Land in London far removed from the Bustle that Surrounds it. Ideal for a good 45 mins Walking Meditation and most Enjoyable. Then Once Spiritually Fit and Healed it’s Straight to an Internet Café for an afternoons Pilfering of Fine Music and Movies so that by this Evening I will Feel so Unspiritual that I’m guaranteed to need to do it all again Tomorrow…..It’s Sad really and not in the least bit Inspirational but at least it’s not as Soul Destroyingly Repetitive as going to Work!
This blog is just to let the world know what’s been rocking my boat over the years [comes with a certain Irish bias and interesting world view]. If your struggling at the game of life like the rest of us try and remember there’s always music!
Tuesday, 31 July 2012
Billy Bragg - Mr Love And Justice
Looking forward to a Future where Me and Billy Bragg can walk down the road to a Socialist Workers Republic [Up The Rah]!
- "I Keep Faith" (featuring Robert Wyatt on backing vocals)
- "I Almost Killed You"
- "M for Me" (featuring Nic Waterhouse on tambourine)
- "The Beach is Free"
- "Sing Their Souls Back Home" (featuring May Fitzpatrick on backing vocals)
- "You Make Me Brave"
- "Something Happened"
- "Mr Love & Justice"
- "If You Ever Leave"
- "O Freedom"
- "The Johnny Carcinogenic Show" (featuring May Fitzpatrick on backing vocals)
- "Farm Boy"
Monday, 30 July 2012
Natural Selection!
I think Team GB is going to struggle to get anywhere near their
previous Olympic Medal Tally as they have already missed out on a Couple of
good opportunities. As for Ireland I ain’t seen a Paddy in anything so far and
the 65 strong Team can’t all be Boxers. At least I hope not as though it’s
where we usually Rack up a few Medals it’s also a Sport that doesn’t appeal to
yours truly. At least the Ghastly Shooting and Archery [is this really Sport]
are almost finished. Back in the day we had a few Archers [seriously] Operating
out of Belfast side streets and no Shortage of Gun Totting Folk but alas none of
them seem to have made the Olympic Team. Maybe they did make the Cut but
sticking to their Ideology the Fenians have refused to play for Team GB and the
Loyalists have refused to play Ireland. Enough Waffle the Truth is one long ago
day myself and two Friends came across a Lone Man who was taking Pot Shots with
a Long Bow at a Cat he had Suspended from a Tree, and yes even in the Nutty
1970’s Belfast this was deemed quite Strange, but I Suspect there would have
been less Empty Olympic Seats if this Discipline had been Included!
gary numan - pleasure principle
First Solo Album to be released by Gary Numan who had come up on the rails and passed a lot of Post Punk Synthesisor Types to land the Movements Very First Hit Single. Tracks include the Classic "Cars".
1."Airlane" - 3:18
2."Metal" - 3:32
3."Complex" - 3:12S
4."Films" - 4:09
5."M.E." - 5:37
6."Tracks" - 2:51
7."Observer" - 2:53
8."Conversation" - 7:36
9."Cars" - 3:58
10."Engineers" - 4:01
9."I Wish You Peace" – 3:45
Sunday, 29 July 2012
Satisfied Customer!

wilson pickett - wicked picket
1967 album from a Soul God recorded at what would appear a very prolific period in his Career. Like all the other albums this is Quality!
1 Mustang Sally 3:04
2 New Orleans 2:32
3 Sunny 3:16
4 Everybody Needs Somebody To Love 2:16
5 Ohh Paa Pah Doo 2:37
6 She Ain't Gonna Do Right 2:14
7 Knock On Wood 2:40
8 Time Is On My Side 2:31
9 Up Tight Good Woman 2:29
10 You Left The Water Running 2:31
11 Three Time Loser 2:19
12 Nothing You Can Do
Saturday, 28 July 2012
We Serve Neither King Nor Kaiser!
Hats off to Danny Boyle for the
Magnificent Olympic Opening Ceremony which kept me thoroughly Entertained to
the very End. I really did not know what to Expect as although born in Britain
[Technically] I have never ever felt any Allegiance to Queen or Country, in
fact I have strived to break that Link all my Life [Tiocfaidh A’r La’]. Saying
that what I Witnessed last Night and I Assume Mr Boyle is a Socialist was a
Celebration of the NHS, Suffragettes, Trade Unions, Sense Of Humour, Magical
Tales and Superb Music. Things my Friends which are Truly Worthy of
Most Commendable Aspect of the Proceedings
for me was the Absence of Jingoism and Empire with the Queen mucking in with a
Splendid Cameo. Keep this up and I may well start to Support your Athletes
after Supporting the Irish Team that is!
Sparklehorse - Good Morning Spider
I do really like this Band and this Album in particular. Good Morning
Spider was very nearly never made as lead singer Mark Linkous was Very Nearly Stiff as a board after a nights drug excesses in London left him
in a Wheelchair for 6 months and Very Nearly Cost Him His Life and even
nearer the loss of his Legs. Glad he pulled through as this album is a Grand Affair!
- "Pig" – 2:22
- "Painbirds" – 3:50
- "Saint Mary" – 3:59
- "Good Morning Spider" – 1:09
- "Sick of Goodbyes" – 3:32
- "Box of Stars (Part One)" – 0:33
- "Sunshine" – 4:59
- "Chaos of the Galaxy/Happy Man" – 4:31
- "Hey, Joe" – 3:04
- "Come on In" – 3:43
- "Maria's Little Elbows" – 4:16
- "Cruel Sun" – 2:25
- "All Night Home" – 3:43
- "Ghost of His Smile" – 3:11
- "Hundreds of Sparrows" – 2:26
- "Box of Stars (Part Two)" – 0:49
- "Junebug" – 3:24
Friday, 27 July 2012
Living Through The Past!
Getting my Tickets today to go to Belfast in a few weeks and as always it's a bit of a Culture Shock for myself as Hopefully things are a lot better for those Living there but I will still see it through the Traumatised Eyes of the 1970's and 1980's when I was Living in Northern Ireland. Please believe me when I say I hope for Peace but that I am still Republican with part of my Holiday involving an Annual pilgrimage to the Graves of Bobby Sands, Kieran Dogherty, Tom Williams etc etc and to the still empty Grave of the Great Man below who 96 years after his Execution and those Heartfelt Speech has still not been allowed to Rest In Peace where he requested to be laid!
"Where all your rights become only an accumulated wrong; where men must beg with bated breath for leave to subsist in their own land, to think their own thoughts, to sing their own songs, to garner the fruits of their own labours—and even while they beg, to see things inexorably withdrawn from them—then surely it is a braver, a saner and a truer thing, to be a rebel in act and deed against such circumstances as these than tamely to accept it as the natural lot of men"
Roger Casement
james dean bradfield
Manic Street Preachers frontman delivers his one and only solo project in 2004 it contains one Cracking Single "That's No Way to Tell a Lie" and for some bizarre reason another track Titled "English Gentleman" i do hope the Welsh Lad has more goals than to become English!
1. That's No Way To Tell A Lie 3:05
2. An English Gentleman 3:05
3. Bad Boys And Painkillers 3:49
4. On Saturday Moring We Will Rule The World 3:17
5. Run Romeo Run 3:24
6. Still A Long Way To Go 3:50
7. Émigré 3:29
8. To See A Friend In Tears 3:39
9. Say Hello To The Pope 3:24
10. The Wrong Beginning 3:15
11. Which Way To Kyffin
Thursday, 26 July 2012
Hitting The Wall!
Down in Hendon trying to Blog but the System keeps Crashing and the Man with the Plan is trying to Blame the Olympics….which start Tomorrow. So it’s a quick Blog and away home for Me!
gorkys zygotic mynci - baradfundle
Barafundle is the 4th album by Welsh Psychedelic Folk Band Gorky's Zygotic Mynci, which was released in April 1997 . The Album's title comes from the name of a beach in Pembrokeshire and the Music is Quality!
1."Diamond Dew" – 2:50
2."The Barafundle Bumbler" – 1:53
3."Starmoonsun" – 3:04
4."Patio Song" – 2:43
5."Better Rooms..." – 3:46
6."Heywood Lane" – 2:52
7."Pen Gwag Glas" – 3:59
8."Bola Bola" – 1:53
9."Cursed, Coined and Crucified" – 2:27
10."Sometimes the Father Is the Son" – 3:21
11."Meirion Wyllt" – 2:48
12."The Wizard and the Lizard" – 1:58
13."Miniature Kingdoms" – 4:17
14."Dark Night" – 4:49
15."Hwyl Fawr I Pawb"– 1:48
16."Wordless Song" – 3:20
2."The Barafundle Bumbler" – 1:53
3."Starmoonsun" – 3:04
4."Patio Song" – 2:43
5."Better Rooms..." – 3:46
6."Heywood Lane" – 2:52
7."Pen Gwag Glas" – 3:59
8."Bola Bola" – 1:53
9."Cursed, Coined and Crucified" – 2:27
10."Sometimes the Father Is the Son" – 3:21
11."Meirion Wyllt" – 2:48
12."The Wizard and the Lizard" – 1:58
13."Miniature Kingdoms" – 4:17
14."Dark Night" – 4:49
15."Hwyl Fawr I Pawb"– 1:48
16."Wordless Song" – 3:20
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
Mad Dogs And Irishmen!
Blogging late today as I’ve been out Basking in the Glorious Sun and working on my Tan or in the Case of an Irishman Sunburn with possible Heat Rash and maybe even a few Blisters. Who cares though it will only last about a week and by then I should feel better and have something resembling a Tan.
The Olympics have begun with the first Event held this afternoon a Woman’s Soccer Match in Wales and my Brother Brian the Dodgy C**t has a Ticket and I’ll be looking out for him in the Crowd. It’s a bit of a comedown for the Lad as the last match he attended was on the Final Day of the Season to watch his Beloved Man City take the Title in the 94th minute.
I’m getting in the Spirit myself and having no Tickets will have to make do with watching the Marathon and will be checking out if there are any other Outdoor Free Events!
jimmy mcgriff - soul sugar
1971 release from an Extremely Prolific Jazz/Soul Musician this Album is Quite Cool and is worth a listen for the excellent cover of Stevie Wonders "Signed Sealed Delivered" and a fine selection of other tracks with Mcgriff hogging all the Solos!
- Sugar, Sugar 2:46
- Ain't It' Funky Now 3:39
- Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I'm Yours 2:49
- Dig On It 3:08
- Bug Out 3:04
- The Now Thing 2:57
- You're The One 3:13
- Fat Cakes 3:49
- New Volume 3:36
- Spirit In The Dark
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
Attitude Of Gratitude!
As my Man "E" so Eloquently Said or Sang
"Well i just saw the sun rise over the hill
Never used to give me much of a thrill
But hey man now you're really living
Do you know what it's like to care too much
'bout someone that you're never gonna get to touch
Hey man now you're really living"
Let me Enjoy it as I havent got a Pot to Piss in and until they get round to Taxing the Sun this is as Good as it's going to get. Frankly i couldn't ask for anything more!
Never used to give me much of a thrill
But hey man now you're really living
Do you know what it's like to care too much
'bout someone that you're never gonna get to touch
Hey man now you're really living"
Let me Enjoy it as I havent got a Pot to Piss in and until they get round to Taxing the Sun this is as Good as it's going to get. Frankly i couldn't ask for anything more!
Cramps - All Tore Up
Excellent quality Bootleg album featuring Demo Versions of some of the Psychobilly Kings Finest Tracks [or is it a fine blend of Punk Rock and Rockabilly]. Anyway ofter 33 years of Horror Blues, Sci Fi and Outrageous Humour the Band have finally retired!
1 Teenage Werewolf 3:10
2 Jungle Hop 1:53
3 Mad Daddy 3:21
4 Rockin' Bones 2:47
5 What's Behind The Mask 3:11
6 Sunglasses After Dark 3:46
7 All Tore Up 2:33
8 Twist And Shout 2:49
9 Uranium Rock 2:12
10 Under The Wires 2:35
11 Mystery Plane 2:55
Monday, 23 July 2012
Powerlessness Of Positive Thinking!
I Wish I had the Enthusiasm for Life and Happy Go
Lucky Attitude of the Practicing Alcoholic. Just yesterday I was behind a
likely looking candidate who was asking to know the Prices of a Bottle of
Whiskey and eventually asked for whatever was cheapest qualifying this with a
Hopeful request for Bells or Teachers. Being informed that the Teachers was £11
she asked was that for a Litre only to be told the Litre would be £17.50. After
a quick look in the Purse the Lady told him She had only £3.50, a short time
later She left with what looked like some Dodgy Eastern European Special Brew.
On my Turn I thought Fuck It and asked for 200 Fags, Some Reading Glasses and a
Choc Ice and offered him £2, I had no more luck than the Lady but felt Uplifted
for having given it a go!
divine comedy victory for the comic muse
Neil Hannon has Denied all Knowledge of this the Bands Debut Album and it is not like any of their later work. But who cares i like it anyway and having seen the band live a couple of times in London once at the St Paddys Day bash under the London Eye and once in Shepherds Bush. I really enjoyed both Experiences therefor they are allowed one loose album.
- To Die A Virgin 3:39
- Mother Dear 3:47
- Diva Lady 4:17
- A Lady Of A Certain Age 5:47
- The Light Of Day 4:24
- Threesome 1:10
- Party Fears Two 4:02
- Arthur C. Clarke's Mysterious World 3:58
- The Plough 5:14
- Count Grassi's Passage Over Piedmont 3:32
- Snowball In Negative
Sunday, 22 July 2012
Wired For Sound!
Thank God for Internet Cafes the one place where
you’re guaranteed that someone will play the same song for say 3 hours nonstop
and as usual it’s not a song you would want to hear even once. It appeared to
be a Childs Chant and I’ve a good mind to Report him to Public Protection have
him put on a Sex Offenders Register just in case. Anyhow he Offended me but I
Soldiered on Plundering the www for Music and Films and have lined up a
Pleasant little Evening watching Kentucky Fried Zombie or KFZ to those in the
know and a bit of Chilled Music from those Mellow Boys Slipknot and there
latest offering Antennas To Hell. Both were found on the Web with minimal
effort…try Googling the names and adding Mediafire [proper Shites] or Similar
and see what pops up!
Badfinger - Ass
Last Album by the Band on the Apple Label and finally released in 1973 amidst Financial Infighting which had taken over from Music Production. However they where a good Band through the Late 60's and early 70's and this is a fine example of their work!
01. Apple Of My Eye
02. Get Away
03. Icicles
04. The Winner
05. Blind Owl
06. Constitution
07. When I Say
08. Cowboy
09. I Can Love You
10. Timeless
11. Do You Mind (Bonus Track)
password = muro
Saturday, 21 July 2012
Don't Come Around Here No More!
Making an early Escape today as I was sitting in front of the TV not a place I spend any significant amount of time but it Lures you in and I’m Fucked if I know how. All you get is a Diet of Cooking, House Moving, Junk Selling, Antiques Shows, Human Interest [not to me], Passport Control, Cops, all held together by Frequent Ad breaks for Suing, Stair Lifts and Death Plans. So I Scan the Channels in desperation and find myself watching that all time favourite WWII or some other Propaganda like the News in its 24 hour endless Loop. Anyhow like the Allies at Dunkirk I’m making a Strategic Withdrawal to the great outdoors.
And Yes I Understand the not to Subliminal Message of the 100% Arrest Rate of the Cop’s Shows, that they’ll come round and Fuck you up if you Step out of Line. My Experience is Slightly Different as I Live in London where no Effort is made to follow up Crime or Arrest anyone and should the Cops Step over that Line in say Belfast or Hackney the Locals may very well Fuck them up!
mark lanegan - whiskey for the holy ghost
Best work so far by the Screaming Trees Frontman with such Magical Songs as "The River Rise," "Kingdoms of Rain," "Riding the Nightingale" and "Beggar's Blues." I love Marks voice and the whole Genre of Americana. If i ever get enough money i'm goin' to go and live in Death Valley and watch the Vultures!
- The River Rise 4:29
- Borracho 5:40
- House A Home 3:07
- Kingdoms Of Rain 3:24
- Carnival 3:40
- Riding The Nightingale 6:17
- El Sol 3:42
- Dead On You 3:11
- Shooting Gallery 3:32
- Sunrise 2:55
- Pendulum 2:12
- Judas Touch 1:37
- Beggar's Blues
Friday, 20 July 2012
Risk Taking Behaviour!
I know they make a lot of Shite Movies these Days and
I’ve Watched to many of them but it’s only in America that some Fuckwit opens
Fire on the Audience. Over here you just have to put up with some Wanker who
won’t keep quiet. To the point though as Yesterday I was Subjected to a Grown
Man [Seany Og] Dancing on a Main Street bringing me a Deep Feeling of Shame.
The reason for this Impromptu Display was that he had just been Informed that
he had got his Tickets to the Premier of Batman CCXXIIIV. I Hope he is Watching
Today’s News and reconsidering bringing me instead of subjecting his Beloved Wife
to this Danger!
neutral milk hotel - in the aeroplane over the sea
Best album these Boys produced followed Secondly by "On Avery Island" its quite Experimental in Nature but the lyrics hold it all together quite well. Alas the Band has ceased to be but their Legacy especially this album continues to increase!
- The King Of Carrot Flowers Pt. One 2:00
- The King Of Carrot Flowers Pts. Two & Three 3:06
- In The Aeroplane Over The Sea 3:22
- Two-Headed Boy 4:26
- The Fool 1:53
- Holland, 1945 3:12
- Communist Daughter 1:57
- Oh Comely 8:18
- Ghost 4:08
- Untitled 2:15
- Two-Headed Boy Pt. Two
Thursday, 19 July 2012
Ground Control To Freelancer Kieran!
Got a letter from Head Office this Morning Requesting my Presence for a Stage 3?? Meeting Regarding my continued Absence from Work. Stuck it in a Drawer and Attended a Life Affirming AA Meeting where a Humble Bloke Told it as it is and I left and had Lunch with a Couple of the Lads. So back to my Letter I'm going to ask them to let me go on Medical Grounds as I Feel that continuing to Work there will be Detrimental to my Health blah blah blah ....Very Sorry and all that. Then with a final Pay Check I will be Free. At least that's my Hope and Aspiration!
Dolores Keane - Night Owl
Original mMember of Legendary Irish Traditional Band De Dannan. Dolores and her Exquisite Voice have long been part of the Irish Culture and in 1995 She was awarded the Prestigious Fiddler's Green Hall of Fame Award for her “Significant Contribution to the cause of Irish Music and Culture”. Say no more!
1. Dangerous Dance
2. The Wind That Shakes the Barley
3. New Deal
4. The Banks of the Nile
5. Dunlavin Green
6. Ballyroan
7. Aileen
8. Fare Thee Well a Stor
9. The Forger's Farewell
10. Jose
11. Make Me Want to Stay
12. The Night Owl (Homeward Turns)
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
Brain Washed To Perfection!
Only one Fervent Wish today other than Sobriety
and that’s that the God Damn Rain would lay off for a while. On a Budget of
pretty much Bugger all Life is made a lot more Pleasant and less Expensive when
you can Leg it or Cycle around with the Sun on your back and in a Split Second
of Insight you think this is why I no longer Pitch in at the Office. No
complaints though as Rain or Shine I’ve Broken Free and if I keep it Simple I
can have a nice break in Ireland and a few more Months of AA and NA Meetings
plus a Daily Coffee in Starbucks finest Armchairs. Lately I’ve taken to
Listening to a Hemi Sync or Binaural MP3 called “The Abyss” whilst Tucked away in my Armchair
[free online but can’t remember where from…google it] and without fail I’ve Nodded off every
time right there in the Middle of the Coffee House. Not sure what the other
Punters think but let’s be Fair I need the Relaxation and I’m long past Caring
[Obsessing] what others think!
Libertines - What Became Of The Likely Lads EP
What became of the Likely Lads wouldn't we all like to know as this band showed such great promise as the mix of live tracks and reworkings of other tracks on this EP so clearly illustrates. Its top stuff and unfortunately marked the end of the Libertines. One last thing when i see Pete Doherty on the news or wherever it saddens me as he appears to have become a Caricature of an Asshole and all the Talent and promise has Dwindled to Fuck all!
1. What Became Of The Likely Lads (Reworked Version)
2. Skag And Bone Man (Live Brixton Sat 6/3/04)
3. Time For Hero's (Live Brixton Sat 6/3/04)
4. The Delaney (Live Brixton Sat 6/3/04)
5. Boys In The Band (Live Brixton Sat 6/3/04)
6. Don't Look Back Into The Sun (Mick Jones Version)
7. What Became Of The Likely Lads (Album Version)
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
Reasons To Be Tearful!
Sent off all my Paperwork to the ESA in Support of my Claim and now can only wait and see what happens but should it all go well I shall be Sorted for the Short Term.
Scanned the News the other Night a thing I’m more and more Reluctant to do these Days as I’ve always known it’s a load of Propaganda and General Bollox even a Moron could see through but alas the Man on the Street doesn’t or at the very least can’t be bothered. For Example the News reader will Chant his given Mantra on Insurgents in Afghanistan a Term which only applies to those Born and Breed there whilst never using it in Relation to those who Surged In. Couple that with the Hideous Slaughter going on in Syria Daily which would bring Tears to a Glass Eye with Pictures of Mounds of Dead Civilians and some Inane Arsehole Presenter giving the Age Old Apologists excuse that these Pictures cannot be Independently Verified.
Anyway what did Interest me was the G4S cut price Olympic Operation as I would have been down there with my HV Vest if I’d have known they needed bodies!
Bonnie Prince Billy - I See A Darkness
Bonnie Prince Billy I Love it Love it Love all of it from Palace Brothers to Palace Music to the Will Oldman stuff and collaborations with the likes of Tortoise and Matt Sweeney. His voice has been described as "a fragile sort-of warble frittering around haunted melodies in the American folk or country tradition" Anyway i crown him king of Americana. I See A Darkness yes indeed i do!
1."A Minor Place" - 3:43
2."Nomadic Revery (All Around)" - 3:58
3."I See a Darkness" - 4:49
4."Another Day Full of Dread" - 3:10
5."Death to Everyone" - 4:31
6."Knockturne" - 2:17
7."Madeleine-Mary" - 2:31
8."Song for the New Breed" - 3:24
9."Today I Was an Evil One" - 3:52
10."Black" - 3:46
11."Raining in Darling" - 1:54
Monday, 16 July 2012
Havin' It Large!
I have long known that Meditation is by far the best Weapon I have for growth & Healing etc etc but I never expected this much from it as today I have been reliably Informed [by Official looking Letter]that I have Won 915,950.00 Euros in the “Second Euromillion Spanish Sweepstake International New Year Program”. Yes it’s a bit of a Mouthful but who cares as I didn’t buy any Tickets in the first place. The Letter also gives me a Number of ways to be Paid I can have Bank Transfer, Endorsed Certified Chque [?] or Cash Pick Up. I have given it some thought and I’m going for the Cash Pick Up as I have never been to Nigeria!
Alas after Today’s Meditation I’ve been Prompted to Donate my Prize to a Sacked Bankers Relief Fund and have Informed the Lottery Organisation of my Decision!
Blondie - Eat To The Beat
No 1 album from 1979 shows Blondie moving away from their Punk/New Wave Roots although both are still present. What we get extra is a good dose of Funk and Reggae along with Good Solid Songs like "Atomic" and Union City Blues". In 1979 Debbie Harry was undoubtedly just about every Young Boys Dream!
1."Dreaming" – 3:08
2."The Hardest Part" – 3:42
3."Union City Blue" – 3:21
4."Shayla" (Stein) – 3:57
5."Eat to the Beat" – 2:40
6."Accidents Never Happen" – 4:15
7."Die Young, Stay Pretty" – 3:34
8."Slow Motion" – 3:28
9."Atomic" – 4:40
10."Sound-A-Sleep" – 4:18
11."Victor" – 3:19
Sunday, 15 July 2012
Empty Vessels!
or maybe not now that the Daily Stress of not knowing where the next few pound
is going to come from and how the bills are going to be paid I feel at a bit of
a loss over what to do with myself. There was a lot of Time and Effort spent
Securing my rights and now that time is Free for other Pursuits. So I’ll need to give some Careful Thought on Issues like
Work, Holidays, Meetings and generally staying Busy.
suppose it would Benefit Me and others most if I up my number of Sponsees and
Guide them through the Recovery Process. That said one of the Lads wants to
Meet me before my NA meeting this Afternoon. So Peering into my Crystal Balls I’m seeing him in Starbucks, He won’t come to the Meeting after and his Step work will not
have been done. Not meaning to be overly Optimistic all I expect is to have
someone Eating into my time whilst I wish I was alone and reading a Book and as
he Drones on about issues He’s
doing nothing about I may turn Homicidal!
Flying Burrito Brothers - Gilded Palace Of Sin
Gram Parsons is one of my all time Favourite Artists he has such a tremendous voice [see Hot Burrito No.1]and i see him as a forefather of Americana. His short life and Tragic Death and its aftermath are the stuff of Legends. His body stolen from an Airport after he had Died of a Heroin Overdose by his Manager and a Friend. Driven out into the Desert and Cremated underneath the "Joshua Tree". How Rock and Roll is that.
- "Christine's Tune" - 3:04
- "Sin City" - 4:11
- "Do Right Woman" - 3:56
- "Dark End Of The Street" - 3:58
- "My Uncle" - 2:37
- "Wheels" - 3:04
- "Juanita" - 2:31
- "Hot Burrito #1"- 3:40
- "Hot Burrito #2" - 3:19
- "Do You Know How It Feels" - 2:09
- "Hippie Boy" - 4:55
Saturday, 14 July 2012
Keep Swimming Keep Swimming!
Another Shite Day here in Old London Town and I bet there's a few Arseholes Twitching around the Olympic Stadium of possible Outcomes should the Rain continue for another week or so. Anyhow the locals are Wilting in tht Gloom and i'm just Feeling Homesick as Summer in Northern Ireland is like this every year. I heard one Wag say that England was Experiencing it's Wettest Summer since Records began and that Scotland was Experiencing it's Wettest Summer since last year..Ha Ha..Well I think it's funny.
All I will be doing is following my Dasily Routine and whatever Life throws at me will be like Water off a Ducks Back!
La's - La's
Never mind Dragging your sorry Arse around venues for the next Fifty years just get in quick and leave the world with one Great Anthem that we can all sing along to. Lee Mahers and the La's did just that with "There She Goes". Also contains some other fine tunes as well plus 5 bonus tracks for good measure so enjoy!
1. "Son of a Gun" 1:56
2. "I Can't Sleep" 2:37
3. "Timeless Melody" 3:01
4. "Liberty Ship" 2:30
5. "There She Goes" 2:42
6. "Doledrum" 2:50
7. "Feelin'" 1:44
8. "Way Out" 2:32
9. "I.O.U." 2:08
10. "Freedom Song" 2:23
11. "Failure" 2:54
12. "Looking Glass"
13 All By Myself
14 Clean Prophet
15 Knock Me Down
16 Over (Live In a Stable In Liverpool)
17 I.O.U. (Alternate Version)
Scouse Magic
14 Clean Prophet
15 Knock Me Down
16 Over (Live In a Stable In Liverpool)
17 I.O.U. (Alternate Version)
Scouse Magic
Friday, 13 July 2012
Roll Of Honour!
Of no real importance at all is the fact that Mediafire have Suspended my Account and I'm setting up another one with someone else!
Grant Lee Buffalo - Mighty Joe Moon
1994 release by an Americana band who have a great sound but alas did not get the commercial success they richly deserved. This the second of four albums by the band and serves as a good example of what could have been!
1. Lone Star Song
2. Mockingbirds
3. It's The Life
4. Sing Along
5. Mighty Joe Moon
6. Demon Called Deception
7. Lady Godiva And Me
8. Drag
9. Last Days Of Tecumseh
10. Happiness
11. Honey Don't Think
12. Side By Side
13. Rock Of Ages
Thursday, 12 July 2012
Balancing Act!
More Good News as the Shits have finally paid my
Housing Benefit after 3 1/2 Torturously Insecure Months when I was receiving
nothing except the odd Threat from the Landlord. So there is Relief in the Camp
and I am right in the Middle of Recovery to Maximise the Effects of these
Gifts. So I was out there Early mixing it with the Natives and a Nice long
Meditative Walk to my Tea Making Commitment at the Lunch Time AA Meeting and I
am off this Evening to do a Talk at a Meeting in Welwyn Garden City wherever
that may be. I’m not a Spiritual Giant 8 months ago I would have done none of
these things and even more Telling Nobody would have asked me to either. So I’m
Grateful for the Gifts received and for the Stability I Feel within!
Harry Chapin - Greatest Stories Live
Great Live Set from an all round decent Guy who Sung Beautiful Songs and Campaigned Tirelessly to bring about Social Change. Another Much Missed Artist and a Key Player in the Creation of the Presidential Commission on World Hunger in 1977 [he was the only member who attended every meeting]!
1."Dreams Go By" – 4:54
2."W·O·L·D" – 5:04
3."Saturday Morning" – 3:05
4."I Want To Learn A Love Song" – 5:04
5."Mr. Tanner" – 5:17
6."A Better Place to Be" – 9:59
7."Let Time Go Lightly" – 4:56
8."Cat's in the Cradle" – 4:04
9."Taxi" – 6:53
10."Circle" – 7:21
11."30,000 Pounds of Bananas" (Extended with two alternate endings) – 11:28
12."The Shortest Story" (Studio track) – 2:25
Wednesday, 11 July 2012
The Working Class Can Kiss My Ass!
Looks like all that Meditation and Adopting a
positive Attitude may have finally Paid off as this very Morning after making a
Claim for Employment Support Allowance on Monday I received a Text saying Game
On or words to that Effect. So with a bit of Funding in the bag I can get on
with Chillin' and please don't think ill of me as Opting out is an Option for
all of us and I’ve worked for over 30 years............which is enough to
Joyfully Claim whatever I can.
Only one Dark presence on the Horizon and that's a
Second confirmed Sighting of an Ex-Girlfriend trying to Track me down. This
time by going on my Son Declan’s Facebook and asking about me.....Low and Dirty
[but not in Bed unfortunately] and a major reason why I don't Social Network.
As this is the Lady who Taught me Exactly what I don't want in a Relationship
all I can say is that She has Two Hopes....Bob and None!
Bob Marley - Babylon By Bus [Live]
Believed to have been recorded in Paris in 1978 this Live Album Portrays Bob Marley just as he was Rising to Super Stardom. Its got everything a Great Live Album should have Thumping Tracks and Good Audience Participation. Another Sadly missed Truly Epic Ground Breaking Artist!
1."Positive Vibration" - 5:47
2."Punky Reggae Party" - 5:52
3."Exodus" - 7:38
4."Stir It Up" (Recorded July 18, 1975 at The Lyceum, London, England[3]) - 5:20
5."Rat Race" (Recorded 1976, Hammersmith Odeon, London, England[3]) - 3:37
6."Concrete Jungle - 5:38
7."Lively Up Yourself" (Bob Marley) - 6:19
8."Rebel Music (3 O'Clock Roadblock)" - 5:22
9."War / No More Trouble" - 5:30
10."Kinky Reggae" - 4:50
11."Is This Love" - 7:33
12."Heathen" - 4:30
13."Jamming" - 5:39
Tuesday, 10 July 2012
Party On Dude!
Mission accompished 3 month Sick Note in One Hand and Forms Filled in for Employment Support Allowance in the other. Didn't really Appreciate the Toll being Exerted on my Emotions especially that Fearful Insecurity, which I suppose is understandable as at the moment I've no Income absolute Zero and have not been given any Housing Benefit either. This should have amounted to Panic Stations but really was just a Low Key Nagging Anxiety at the back of my Mind. So I've covered my back and done all I can so if the Rain ever stops I'm going to have a really good chilled and relaxing Summer!
Sonic Youth - Made In USA [Soundtrack]
Made in USA is the Soundtrack to a 1986 film of the same name. Sonic Youth recorded this Material in 1986, shortly after the completion of their album EVOL but the Soundtrack was not actually released until 1995....Enjoy!
1."Mackin' for Doober" – 0:51
2."Full Chrome Logic" – 0:59
3."Secret Girl" – 2:55
4."Cork Mountain Incident" – 0:49
5."Moustache Riders" – 1:07
6."Tuck N Dar" – 3:40
7."Moon in the Bathroom" – 2:29
8."Thought Bubbles" – 2:25
9."Rim Thrusters" – 1:59
10."Lincoln's Gout" – 2:08
11."Coughing Up Tweed" – 1:17
12."Pre-Poured Wood" – 0:52
13."Hairpiece Lullaby 1 & 2" – 2:08
14."Pocketful of Sen-Sen" – 1:15
15."Smoke Blisters 1 & 2" – 2:33
16."The Velvet Plug" – 2:31
17."Giggles" – 0:53
18."Tulip Fire 2" – 1:56
19."The Dynamics of Bulbing" – 1:17
20."Smoke Blisters 3 & 4" – 3:20
21."O.J.'s Glove or What?" – 1:20
22."Webb of Mud 1, 2 & 3" – 2:51
23."Bachelors in Fur!" – 1:00
2."Full Chrome Logic" – 0:59
3."Secret Girl" – 2:55
4."Cork Mountain Incident" – 0:49
5."Moustache Riders" – 1:07
6."Tuck N Dar" – 3:40
7."Moon in the Bathroom" – 2:29
8."Thought Bubbles" – 2:25
9."Rim Thrusters" – 1:59
10."Lincoln's Gout" – 2:08
11."Coughing Up Tweed" – 1:17
12."Pre-Poured Wood" – 0:52
13."Hairpiece Lullaby 1 & 2" – 2:08
14."Pocketful of Sen-Sen" – 1:15
15."Smoke Blisters 1 & 2" – 2:33
16."The Velvet Plug" – 2:31
17."Giggles" – 0:53
18."Tulip Fire 2" – 1:56
19."The Dynamics of Bulbing" – 1:17
20."Smoke Blisters 3 & 4" – 3:20
21."O.J.'s Glove or What?" – 1:20
22."Webb of Mud 1, 2 & 3" – 2:51
23."Bachelors in Fur!" – 1:00
Monday, 9 July 2012
Thank God That’s Over….Next Please!
Monumental Effort required today to Firstly make another Claim for Income
Support [Check] to Modestly Finance my Early Retirement and Secondly to Secure
another Sick Note for 3 Months if possible to Finally be Medically Retired from
my Job. If all goes well and the Future looks Bleak enough I should be Dancing
in the Street by this Evening. If you think I’m Weird you would be spot on, but
please consider this: The Job was a Major Contributor to Physical, Emotional,
Mental and least we forget Spiritual Collapse and I am Healing from the other
Contributing Factors as well through AA, NA, Meditation and Renewed Commitment
to Recovery.
Acceptance is Truly the Price of Freedom and I believe that it is, then this
Particular Surrender and Acceptance may well have saved my Life or at the Very
Least Prolonged and Enriched it!
Graham Parker & The Rumour - Howlin' Wind
Debut and Classic Album from 1976 which guaranteed Parker's Label of angry Young Man and although Billed as Pub Rock it certainly comes under the Influence of Punk. plus the matter of the top drawer Song "Hey Lord! Don't Ask Me Questions"!
1."White Honey" – 3:33
2."Nothin's Gonna Pull Us Apart" – 3:21
3."Silly Thing" – 2:51
4."Gypsy Blood" – 4:37
5."Between You and Me" – 2:25
6."Back to Schooldays" – 2:54
7."Soul Shoes" – 3:13
8."Lady Doctor" – 2:50
9."You've Got to Be Kidding" – 3:30
10."Howlin' Wind" – 3:58
11."Not If It Pleases Me" – 3:12
12."Don't Ask Me Questions" – 5:38
2."Nothin's Gonna Pull Us Apart" – 3:21
3."Silly Thing" – 2:51
4."Gypsy Blood" – 4:37
5."Between You and Me" – 2:25
6."Back to Schooldays" – 2:54
7."Soul Shoes" – 3:13
8."Lady Doctor" – 2:50
9."You've Got to Be Kidding" – 3:30
10."Howlin' Wind" – 3:58
11."Not If It Pleases Me" – 3:12
12."Don't Ask Me Questions" – 5:38
Sunday, 8 July 2012
What Will You Do With That Extra Shield!
If Andy
Murray Wins at Wimbledon Today if the Monsoon abates to allow play he will
become the 1st British Champion in 70 years, a Legend. If he should be
beaten he will be forever known as that Dodgy Scottish Loser. He should come
out Dressed like Braveheart and the Celts will Support him Win or Lose but
especially the Losing as any Celt worthy of the name is aware of the Ancient
Purity of Glorious Defeat.
I have the
same Problem Daily if I stay Sober no one notices or cares and if I was ever to
Pick up a Drink there would be many who would say I knew he couldn’t Cut the
Mustard. That’s why I intend to dress in Future as a Japanese Admiral!
Kristin Hersh - Hips And Makers
Debut Solo Album by Kristin Hersh former Singer with Throwing Muses. In a sharp contrast to Hersh's previous Rock Oriented work with Throwing Muses this album is primarily acoustic, with Hersh usually playing unaccompanied and it's got Michael Stipe singing backing vocals on the opening track....say no more!
1."Your Ghost" – 3:16
2."Beestung" – 3:08
3."Teeth" – 4:10
4."Sundrops" – 4:02
5."Sparky" – 1:29
6."Houdini Blues" – 4:26
7."A Loon" – 4:18
8."Velvet Days" – 3:52
9."Close Your Eyes" – 5:27
10."Me and My Charms" – 4:16
11."Tuesday Night" – 3:03
12."The Letter" – 2:47
13."Lurch" (0:36)
14."The Cuckoo" – 2:12
15."Hips and Makers" – 3:19
2."Beestung" – 3:08
3."Teeth" – 4:10
4."Sundrops" – 4:02
5."Sparky" – 1:29
6."Houdini Blues" – 4:26
7."A Loon" – 4:18
8."Velvet Days" – 3:52
9."Close Your Eyes" – 5:27
10."Me and My Charms" – 4:16
11."Tuesday Night" – 3:03
12."The Letter" – 2:47
13."Lurch" (0:36)
14."The Cuckoo" – 2:12
15."Hips and Makers" – 3:19
Saturday, 7 July 2012
Recycling For Sensitive Folk!
Thom Yorke - Acoustic at Electric Ladyland Studios
Nothing I can say about this other than he's a God and when I seen them Live it was a Spiritual Experience for me and he wrote No Surprises. So Sing Along Folks
"A heart that's full up like a landfill
A job that slowly kills you
Bruises that won't heal"
- I Might Be Wrong
- Sail To The Moon
- Punch Up At A Wedding
- Go To Sleep
- No Surprises
- I Will
- There There
- Everything In Its Right Place
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